Facebook creating health apps

From the mHealthNews archive
By Mike Miliard
12:29 pm

That Facebook app in your employees’ smartphones and tablets just might factor into the company’s new strategy to enter healthcare.

Facebook is reportedly following in the footsteps of other Silicon Valley titans like Apple and Google in developing health discussion groups and wellness apps for its base of 1.3 billion users.

A request for comment to its Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters was not immediately returned, but Reuters has reported that "three people familiar with the matter" say Facebook is eyeing new online "support communities" meant to connect users with specific health conditions and allow them to compare notes.

Another development team is said to be working on "preventative care" apps that would help users work toward developing more health lifestyles, according to the article.

Facebook has been meeting with "medical industry experts and entrepreneurs, and is setting up a research and development unit to test new health apps," Reuters reports, adding that the company is still in the "idea-gathering stage."

Interestingly – especially as healthcare as a whole grapples with tools and strategies to better engage patients with their care – the article says one of Facebook's main motivations for this new health-centric strategy is that it sees it as a way to "increase engagement with the site."

(Facebook could be facing a steep drop-off in its customer base in the coming years, some researchers have predicted.)

As with anything regarding Facebook, there are many questions that would have to be answered about the privacy implications of initiatives like these.

The site's livelihood depends on selling user data to advertisers, after all. Even though Facebook has recently changed its policy that accounts must be set up using real names, even with an alias, users discussing sensitive health data "would need anonymity and an assurance that their data and comments wouldn't be shared with their online contacts, advertisers or pharmaceutical companies," the Reuters report points out.

On social media, the response to this news has been mixed.

"Not sure I like this," wrote one user on Twitter. "FB can't be all things."

"Facebook is moving into healthcare," tweeted another. "Run for the hills."

"I assume a Facebook-run healthcare service would periodically rearrange your body without asking," joked a third, slyly referencing Facebook's notoriously evolving privacy policy.

Their skepticism isn't unfounded. As this Think Progress report puts it, "Facebook’s history of mining consumer’s personal data for better ads or just to learn more about its users could become a problem when it comes to health issues."

Facebook has repeatedly "admitted to using controversial tactics, such as digging through users' statuses and one-on-one messages to tailor the ads it displays," the story said.

With HIPAA's health data protections much more robust than those for consumer data, Facebook would be swimming in far different waters than it's used to.

As an example of the social network's missteps when it comes to personal health, ThinkProgress points to the psychological experiments – performed unknowingly on some 700,000 Facebook users – meant to gauge their reactions to posts with positive and negative connotations

On Oct. 2, Facebook offered a mea culpa, of sorts, for that research.

"Although this subject matter was important to research, we were unprepared for the reaction the paper received when it was published and have taken to heart the comments and criticism," wrote Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer. "It is clear now that there are things we should have done differently."

He added: "We’re committed to doing research to make Facebook better, but we want to do it in the most responsible way."