Mike Miliard

By  Mike Miliard 07:30 pm August 5, 2011
FRANKLIN, TN – It's been a busy summer on the transcription and speech recognition front. In one week this past month, two separate and significant mergers were announced.   On Monday, July 11, MedQuist announced its acquisition of Pittsburgh-based M*Modal for $130 million. By that Thursday, the news was out that Burlington, Mass.-base Nuance's newest strategic buy was   Atlanta-based Webmedx,...
By  Mike Miliard 07:23 pm August 5, 2011
ATLANTA – Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGa) has launched an emergency room education campaign, incorporating Google Maps to make it easier for consumers to find and use retail health clinics and urgent care centers for non-emergency conditions.   "When your five-year-old is crying with a fever at 7 p.m. on a Friday because she has a sore throat or an earache, what do you do" asked...
By  Mike Miliard 08:50 pm July 28, 2011
The Global Health Delivery Project has released 21 teaching case studies that examine the complexity of bringing life-saving technologies and care to resource-poor settings around the world. These multidisciplinary materials, which include case studies from 13 countries, are available to global health educators, students and practitioners at no cost through Harvard Business Publishing. "The...
By  Mike Miliard 03:33 pm July 28, 2011
Mac McMillan, CEO of Austin, Texas-based IT security firm CynergisTek and chair of the HIMSS Privacy & Security Policy Task Force, has some strong opinions about privacy protections in healthcare nowadays. The short version Things could be a lot better. You’ve said that if any other industry had this many privacy and security breaches, “heads would be rolling.” What is wrong with healthcare...
By  Mike Miliard 03:13 pm July 18, 2011
Microsoft has announced that people using the Google Health service – scheduled to close on Jan. 1, 2012 – can transfer personal health information stored in a Google Health profile to a Microsoft HealthVault account using the Direct Project messaging protocols. The Direct Project, established by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, specifies a simple, scalable, standards-based...
By  Mike Miliard 03:30 pm July 12, 2011
MedQuist, a provider of integrated clinical documentation solutions for healthcare, has announced its acquisition of Pittsburgh-based speech recognition technology developer M*Modal for $130 million. M*Modal's cloud-based software helps providers easily convert speech into structured clinical information. This improves physician efficiency, enhances the integration of the physician narrative into...
By  Mike Miliard 04:49 pm July 5, 2011
PORTLAND, ME – Once upon a time, the tools of medicine were pretty simple: tongue depressor, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope. Nowadays Try exergames and first-person simulators, "wiihabilitation" and multiplayer mHealth apps.   For years, video games and virtual reality have been playing around the periphery of healthcare. Now, the market for healthcare gaming is starting to cohere into...
By  Mike Miliard 04:39 pm July 5, 2011
As doctors increasingly adopt mobile devices, this much seems clear: At least for now, Apple is king.   According to an April survey of U.S. physicians, sponsored by Aptilon Corporation, 61 percent of docs intend to own an iPhone by the end of 2011 – up sharply from 39 percent at the beginning of the year. Strikingly, that's more than double the iPhone’s 24.7 percent adoption rate among American...
By  Mike Miliard 04:26 pm July 5, 2011
ALBUQUERQUE – The "HOPEmobile" is a 64-foot trailer outfitted with sophisticated telemedicine equipment that travels to underserved and remote areas of New Mexico, providing free, comprehensive health screenings for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, pre-diabetes and other chronic conditions.   The high-tech mobile unit is the centerpiece of a partnership between Project HOPE and...
By  Mike Miliard 08:56 pm June 24, 2011
It's been rumored for some time, and today it was finally confirmed: Google Health, having failed to "catch on the way" the company "would have hoped," will see the lights go dim on Jan. 1, 2012. The personal health record is one of two projects – the other being Google PowerMeter – being retired by the Mountain View, Calif.-based firm. Both were "based on the idea that with more and better...